
04 August 2005

Time for a Philosophical Question

The question suddenly sprung in my mind out of nowhere. It might probably reflect the state of my mind in recent times, but I am keen to look for an answer. I am sure that lots of philosophers and others would have thought about that, but when I discussed this with few people who I knew have studied philosophy (formal or informal) they couldn't give me an acceptable (if I may say so) answer. Probably, this is an unanswered question, but I am not willing to take that for the answer.

Well, the question itself is deep philosopical in nature. Almost every other scripture pertaining to almost all the religions say somehing like 'God created the world'. Ultimately what do we face in this earth? Failure, misery, pain, anguish and you can of course think of more such words. Forget the man-made problems of war, religious hatred, greed for money, poverty etc. for a moment.

But, basically even without these external causes, are the humans happy and do they live in peace? Aren't the are people made to suffer personally for no fault of theirs (again leaveing out external factors) ? I am deliberate in not making it clear here, but people certainly feel the anguish for different reasons, personal, financial etc. Agreed? Anyway, this is the question:

"Why did God created the world?"

Is it because, he got bored to be all alone? Does he wanted to make fun of people by inflicting pain on them and then enjoying their sufferings?

Any thoughts?


At 18 August, 2005 00:52, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think, god created the world. If he would have created then, why on earth(its nothing related to this question :-) ) that he need to wait for million of years to design the first and second human. As put in " The History of Times" I feel very comfortable, when i read that earth was born on its own and not because of some external hand (read god).. Also, just because we human beings have birth/death does not mean that these two properties need to be associated with every single entity including earth. If we have every convincing physical/chemical/biolgoical equations proven on every single change once the earth was created, I dont know, why it should be difficult to assume that there must be an equation for the earth getting created itself.


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