
20 July 2005

Indian Medicines - Part 2

Some of you might have read my earlier article on "Indian Medicines". I guess I am entirely right in pointing out the need for standardisation in the said piece.

Today's ET carried a news about Canada banning the ayurvedic drugs from India, after detecting the presence of metals (lead, mercury and arsenic) in higher levels by Health Canada (Canadian equivalent of US FDA). Here is the story in the official Health Cananda site. And, don't get surprised to know that the banned drugs are mostly from market giants as Dabur, Zandu, Himalaya.

This is infact a sure sign for the government, the industry and medical practicioners to wakeup and make amends. The Health minister Dr. Anbumani, would do good, if he can initiate concrete actions in this instead of focussing his guns to ban smoking scenes in movies.

The complete Indian medicine sector requires focussed attention and concious and concrete efforts need to be taken to revitalise the system by assimilation of modern techniques, surggeries & instruments and standardisation into the time-tested system of indian medicines.


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